Access to tools and libraries developed by Whim IT:
WhimCrypt is a simple "one-time pad" program that provides unbreakable file encryption extremely quickly.
Use WhimCrypt to encrypt file A using key file B, producing file C. Later decrypt file C with file B again to produce file A. WhimCrypt is great for securing sensitive files on USB flash drives.
WhimCrypt works for both text and binary files on windows and linux.
Disk-free, ephemeral password (re)generator manages passwords for all your accounts and servers. Passwords are generated only when you need them, ensuring no password is ever stored or recorded on your system. This means you don't have to worry should your copy of this program fall into the wrong hands.
Invaluable tool for system administrators, or for those who should be changing their passwords more often than they do.
Windows, Linux and iPhone versions now available.
WhimVFC is a Very Fast Checksum utility specifically designed for high-volume, large-file fingerprint generation. It is ideal for finding duplicate images, audio, and video files, but will work with any file type.
Available for Windows and Linux.
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